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13 Ways to Ground your Root Chakra

May 26, 2023

13 Ways to Ground your Root Chakra

  1. Practice grounding exercises, such as walking barefoot on the earth or standing with your feet firmly planted on the ground.
  2. Wear or surround yourself with red or earthy toned clothing, jewellery or decor.
  3. Incorporate root vegetables into your diet, such as beets, carrots, and potatoes.
  4. Practice yoga poses that target the lower body, such as Warrior I and II, Goddess pose, and Bridge pose.
  5. Use essential oils with grounding properties, such as cedarwood, clove, cypress, marjoram, and myrrh.
  6. Practice mindfulness and meditation, focusing on the present moment and your connection to the earth.
  7. Spend time in nature, such as hiking or camping.
  8. Listen to music with a deep, steady beat, such as drumming or tribal music.
  9. Take a warm bath with Epsom salt and essential oils known for their grounding properties.
  10. Use crystals such as garnet, smoky quartz, onyx, bloodstone, hematite, red jasper, or black tourmaline to balance and activate the root chakra.
  11. Practice breathing exercises, such as deep belly breathing.
  12. Create a grounding altar or sacred space in your home with items that represent the earth element.
  13. Seek professional help, such as energy healing or acupuncture, if you feel your root chakra is blocked or imbalanced.

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